Okay, I NEED the book "A Child's History of Art."
You know, in the same way I NEED every other book. :)
But I really know nothing of studying art. I'm just learning, and really don't know where to begin to teach my kids... well, okay I could start out where I start researching any subject known to man - google.com. I actually have already done that... but I love books best! And this seems like a subject you should read from a book about, not off the computer screen.
That said, I've been all over the internet looking for this book cheaper than $30. Everything I can find is either that expensive, in bad shape and really old, or more expensive, in bad shape and really old. So, I finally found a copy for $15! woohoo! Trouble is there was no description other than Child's History of Art, and there are several books with the same title but with different subtitles meaning they are actually only a part of the book (CHOW: Architecture & CHOW: Painting, for example). So, I went searching to figure out why this copy of the book was only $15 when I kept finding books that were upwards of $70!
Well, when I was searching I found it! There's a copy free online! Jackpot!
Now, why didn't anyone tell me this before I spent all this time searching?!
Without further ado... please go here and print yourself a copy too!
***Apparently, this book has been removed from archive.org.
I'm thinking it's probably because of copyright issues... I'm sorry about that.***
A Child's History of the World by V.M. Hillyer
I just made my own day! :)
PS. You can buy the book for around $25 at amazon.com or alibris.com
There is also a full course based on the text (includes the text) offered by Calvert School HERE.
In my Music Notebook...
Third Advent [...]
Hi to you,
I'm a journalist for the magazine Reflet de Société (www.refletdesociete.com). I'm actually looking for citizens that would like to share there vision of homeschool.
If you are interested in the experience, you can write to my e-mail: gabrielgosselin@refletdesociete.com
or visit this link: http://raymondviger.wordpress.com/2009/04/13/ecole-a-la-maison-prenez-la-parole/
Thank you,
Gabriel Alexandre Gosselin.
You're awesome! Thanks for sharing. You made my day, too! Peace. MJ
I, too, have been looking for a copy of The Child's History of Art to use for our home school. However, when I tried to site you mentioned, the book was only available in "daisy" format for print-disabled members. Is there any way you could send me a copy of your digital download?
C in Virginia, USA
Sorry all! I'm afraid this download is no longer available. I actually printed it off some time ago and don't know if I even still have the file.
I also downloaded the book and started to print the first part of it ,that includes pictures, but then only saved the version that has no pictures. So I only have the one w/o the pictures and trying to find the pictures for it w/o paying a lot. I also was sad that it is not available for free anymore. Thanks and Blessings Friederike
Hey, Amy! I'm searching for A Child's History of Art, and when I googled it, guess who showed up? :) Just thought I'd drop you a line and say, "Hello!" Remember me? We met at the ChildLight conference. Hope all's well with you in OR or Peru...?
Beth Ann
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