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Thursday, September 16, 2010

FEELING kinda kindle-y like

Yes. I changed sides. I didn't think I ever would. I thought I would never convert. But I've been won. I would be crazy not to... I am now of the opinion:

Kindle = awesomeness.

Kindle for homeschoolers = awesomeness quadrupled.

$3,500 books weighing less than 1 pound?!  How can it be?! (and that's if each book is only a $1!)
(Do you know how much it costs to send ONE book to Peru?!
Almost as much as it would cost to China!! TOO much.)

Do you know how I spent the majority of my first year homeschooling with Ambleside ONLINE?  Uh, yeah.  With a laptop perched on one knee, a nursing baby on the other, kids squeezed up one every side, a toddling child in and out of the room... reading from the computer screen.  Yes, now that you mention it, I do wish this invention had come a little sooner.

Now.  I am not giving up my real, hold them in your hands, crinkle beneath your fingers, hear the page turn, with a delicious mixed aroma of ink on paper, printed words...   I've just gone and done the sensible thing.  I bought a Kindle.

Now, I can have all the books in one place.  I can carry them all with me in the car, up a creek, when we go a traveling, to bed, out on date night, without breaking my bag straps anymore...
oh, I think I'm in love.

For many books, I have a choice of whether I'd like to buy the fondle (paper between my fingers) version, or buy the kindle version (send it through cyber space for instant perusal).  Or I can take advantage of 1,000,000's of free books online!

Using Ambleside Online, of COURSE the FIRST thing you'll be sure to download is the six-volume Home Education Series by Charlotte Mason!!  Obviously.  And I couldn't find it anywhere in Kindle format (though I didn't look terribly hard...) So, I've created them and put them right here!  I'm also sending the files to the AO site so they can put the links up there too...

Download CM's six volume series in Kindle format here:

Vol. One - Home Education
Vol. Two - Parents and Children
Vol. Three - School Education
Vol. Four - Ourselves
Vol. Five - Formation of Character
Vol. Six - Towards a Philosophy of Education

download instructions:
{Right click on the link above and select "Save file as..." to download the files in a .zip file to your computer (save to your desktop).  You'll have to unzip the files to your desktop (click on the little icon, and then you should be able to just drag and drop the individual files to your desktop), then drag them to the "My Kindle Content" folder on your computer, or straight to the "Documents" folder on your Kindle device. 
(Click here if you need free software for 'unzipping')}

How to find 1,000's of more free books:

Are you feeling a little kindle-y too?  Check out the links below...
*(Pssst!  If you decide to buy one, use one of the links below!  that way we both win!)

Read Jimmie's Kindle experience here!  Of course you already knew she would go and make a VERY helpful Kindle squidoo lens... of course!  Go and check it out!!
Notice that the screen isn't lit... it looks like a piece of paper.  
This is supposed to be easier on the eyes. I don't have much of an opinion on that. 
I use a flashlight to read my books in bed anyway, so no built in light doesn't bother me at all. I do really like the search feature (search for any word within any book on the entire thing!), 
and the built in dictionary... mmm.hhmmm. yes. I am a happy girl :)
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