There are SO many sights at a carnival like this one, the ferris wheel of habit training (it goes round and round...), the nature study exhibit (perhaps the most popular!), the popcorn stand (or shall we say biscuits and tea?), the artist and composer tent, karaoke hymns, the hands-on booth ... you name it! You know what you came for! So, I'm totally curious, what's your favorite part of the carnival? Please leave me a comment!
Now, I figure that from the carousel we'll each be able to spy out the different sights as we go around... you gals have gone and posted SO much this time around, and I have the feeling this is going to be so FUN you're surely not gonna wanna stop! So, seeing as the carousel is about to start, find your favorite animal, climb aboard and let's get this show on the road! :)
Make sure that at each place you stop, if you enjoy what you've read, leave a kind note... it's the best kind of fun to be among friends :)

*Nancy gives us a chart for looking at training the will "...20 adults met to discuss our reading of Charlotte Mason's Towards a Philosophy of Education, Chapter 8, "The Way of the Will"... " Of course, everyone wants something practical, something to apply right away, something to use..." So head on over to her place and get the chart! The Way of the Will Chart posted at Sage Parnassus.
*Scripture memorization in big chunks... "I'm sure we've tried memorizing things before but with this year being our first year using Charlotte Mason methods, we're memorizing scripture." Be inspired! Contessa presents Scripture In Pictures
*Nebby questions the good of testing... "a kind of mental exercise, like lifting weights for the mind. The time limits imposed by a testing environment force the student to concentrate and to perhaps be more systematic and diligent in their thought processes..." Testing in Homeschool
*Deborah Jean relishes in memories of early CM days...helping us mothers of yet young ones relax in CM methods :)..."It's no wonder I fell in love with Charlotte Mason's gentle learning approach for the elementary ages." ... Busy Hands, BUSY WORK or both?

*Shirley Ann talks about the beauty of Artist study as passed down from one generation to the next, and showcases some blooming beauties and how they relate to taking off in reading. Hello Vincent. AND Spring Blooms and Late Bloomers
*Mama Squirrel presents a reflective post on Listening. You'll definitely want to head over and read this: Don't talk over the music posted at Dewey's Treehouse.
"...for of the evils of modern education few are worse than this -
that the perpetual cackle of his elders leaves the poor child not a moment of time,
nor an inch of space, wherein to wonder - and grow."
*Robin has found a relatively painless way to learn new birdsong! Hilarious. Creative Nature Study: How to Let Bird Song Wake You Up - Crack the Egg *Pamela talks about nature study for city-dwellers... "So, one of the things I am always super grateful for when we spend any amount of time in a big city is finding the little refuges where nature has a little bit of space to do her thing, and so do we. Thank goodness people in the past had the foresight to set aside some land for parks before the sprawl of civilization took it all over." Check out her post here: Trees in the City
*Melissa's starting and customizing their book of centuries "...starting at Creation and learning the truth of history from the Bible is one of the greatest gifts I can give my children. From the beginning of time, God's love for us is evident and that continues to be the common thread throughout the course of time.." Book of Centuries...givin' it a go!

*Becky's CM basics, Living Books, Narration, Art, Composer, Poetry.
"Lots of homeschool parents look into the Charlotte Mason method and get overwhelmed. Here are 5 easy ways to make the CM method part of your busy day..." 5 Ways to Add a Little Charlotte Mason to Your Routine
*Jeanne talks about how all of life is a classroom, a must read. "How different things are from those first heady days when I was first learning about homeschooling. The book work set me up to succeed, but it was the actual doing that made me a homeschooling mum, not the reading about it." Learning about learning posted at A peaceful day.
*Nadene talks about motivation! Very good tips. All of us have some of those
*Penny makes Artist studies a matter of everyday conversation...
Excellent (and easy) idea! Making an art placemat
*Phyllis shows First Reading Lesson in Pictures! Nice and easy :)
All Things Beautiful: First Reading Lesson Charlotte Mason Style

*Phyllis does nature walks... just right. She reminds us of how Charlotte advised was the best way for spending time outside. All Things Beautiful: Taking a Nature Walk
*Anna encourages us not to be afraid to offer our children wholesome foods. CM talks about the importance of balanced nutrition in Vol. one. For Pure Pleasure: Assume the Best
*Jennifer has talked about her Book of Centuries project and it looks GREAT! She also made some VERY nice timeline book pages/BOC for purchase. Now Complete! Jewish Book of Centuries (Charlotte Mason style)
*Laura Grace Weldon is a writer mom pondering education at the grass roots level :) Asking questions: Mom Knows Nothing
*Jimmie gives us a CM summary post... perfect for those just starting out to get a handle on some of the basics: Implementing Charlotte Mason Basics posted at Jimmie's Collage.
*Tricia shows us an EXCELLENT idea incorporating, art, cooking, multi-generational learning... and pretty photos :) Pastels Tutorial: Hot Chocolate
*Rachel presents a
*Makita hopes to show some progress on Copywork, one of those constants... cheer her on at: Copywork Revisited!
*Lynn gives us some images of autumn in Signs of Autumn.
*Need handicraft ideas? Susan has one! Stitching Life: Maple Leaf Handicraft.

*amy in peru shows one way to teach map drills. Hey! that's me! You're in the right place! ;) Map Skills: What we do posted at Fisher Academy International ~ Teaching Home.
*amy in peru inspires us how to make Nature Study a high priority: Nature Study: One of the Constants here at Fisher Academy International ~ Teaching Home.
HAHAHAH! It's such fun to talk about myself in the third person :)
OOh... and one last post:
*Richele shares more nature study nitty-gritty facts! More Mechanics of Nature Study!
Alright, time's up! After the carousel has come to a complete stop, please step off and exit straight to the beach, for some good peace and quiet! Though I love a good carnival as much as the next mom, I do enjoy the peaceful putting into practice part the best ;) I hope you've found something you enjoyed!

It's been so much fun, let's do this every month...
no wait, how 'bout every two weeks! ;)
See you around next time friends...
So, what's YOUR favorite ride at the CM blog carnival?
Is there something in particular you usually come to see?
Wow - it's a huge Carnival this time around! I'll be back to have a look at some of the attractions shortly!
Sooooo much good stuff! :o)
Lovely job, Amy - a such a creative theme! I look forward to reading everything later.
Thanks for all you hard work in putting this together!
Great introduction to the carnival! Who doesn't love a carasel ride on the beach?
Can't wait to dive in!
Thanks for hosting today!
Whoops! It appears my link didn't work... I'll try again..
Step right up!
It may take me all two weeks to get through the midway!
Nicely done!
This is one of my most favorite homeschool carnivals to read!
Also TAG your it!!
An irresistable carnival! I feel like I've been given a string of free tickets! I can't wait to go on each ride! Thanks for hosting this!
Looks lovely! Thanks so much for hosting! :)
Looks great! Thanks for hosting.
Wow! It's going to take me all day to read through all these, better make that cup of tea!
Thank you for hosting this spectacular Carnival. It's beautiful ... a feast.
You've made it even more fun. Thank you!
This is the biggest and most creative CM carousel I have ever been on...it's going to take time to get through these ones! Your awesome! xxx
what a great carnival! Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful event.
There's no such thing as too much thanks :) Thank you!
Will be back later to browse through these...so many..
Thanks again.
Wow. You outdid yourself. :-) I love all your cute comments scattered in the carnival. And, wow, aren't there a LOT of posts!
Another goodie! Looks great Amy, thank you so much.
Ah I love this i am using My Father's World this year and while I love not having to plan it all myself I miss the discoveries made while using AO last year. I have enjoyed these and want to thank you for hosting the carnival by giving you the One Lovely Blog Award.
Mrs. Mandy
Thanks to the carnival we're making art placemats and maple leaf handwork this week. And thanks too for including my post!
Thanks for hosting the carnival! It's been a while since I visited one and I've missed it. Looks like a good one. Love the pic of the carousel next to the water, too.
I am late in checking into this carnival, and wowsers! There are so many inspirational homeschoolers on here! I love Contessa's scripture challenge and Richelle's post is great too! Thanks for compiling these
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