Many of you surely already know that the latest Charlotte Mason blog carnival {Education is a Discipline, vol.1} is up over at Simply Charlotte Mason! If not, head on over there by clicking here (for some strange reason the blog carnival site seems to be malfunctioning, not displaying the links and widgets properly. Hopefully, they'll get that fixed soon).
I'm so excited, as I'm sure many of you are, to read through all the posts. A special thanks to Sonya for doing us a great favor by hosting this time around! The topic of 'Education is a Discipline' is SO near and dear to my heart!! However, being away at the beach for a week of restful seclusion, I went and got myself so relaxed that I even forgot what day it was!! I realized I hadn't even posted for this edition! Well, it will be late in coming, but I do plan to post :)
Do enjoy the carnival and please make sure to add to the conversation by leaving comments on the various posts if you have the time. :)
The next carnival's theme & suggested (optional) reading are:
Education is a Life
- Volume 3, School Education, pgs 152–156
- Volume 6, A Philosophy of Education, pgs 104–111.
For more info about the carnival and upcoming topics see the CM blog carnival info page.