Are you all ready for another spin around the carnival?!
We have lots of wonderful variety seeing as this time around the theme is 'Whatever Strikes Your Fancy'. Of course you will understand how perfectly fitting then that the photo decorations will be as whatever strikes my fancy. Probably flowers, because I love taking pictures of flowers. But then again, you never can tell... :) However, the first person to come up with *the one word I was thinking* when I put the pictures together, will win a prize! I have a pile of books that I've been itching to give away...
Nancy Kelly presents:
"Degrees of Separation" or "Your Child's Future Sanity" & Avoid the Grooves - Shift That Paradigm (We get a double dose of Nancy this time around! yay!)
Barb presents:
Back to School - Making High School Fit Your Student & Homeschool Science: Things I Would Do Differently (and double Barb too!)
Ritsumei presents Nature: Puppies N Chicks
Shannon in WV presents Narration: You Mean It’s Not Just about a Book?
Michelle presents:
When to Begin Formal Lessons & Sharing Art & What Is a Charlotte Mason Curriculum? & Are the Arts Important in Education?
(whoa! quadruple whammy!! Michelle'd win the prize for most posts if there'd been one!!)
Nikki Olivier presents A walk in the wetlands. "...falling in love with the outdoors!"
Shirley Ann Vels presents:
Appreciating Art - Appreciating Charlotte Mason's Method! & Fun, Sun, Water and a Bit of History to Boot! (yay! double Shirley!)
Lindafay presents Charlotte Mason Help: How We Organize Memory Work
Lanaya presents A Few Things I'm Learning From Miss Mason
Grace'n'Chaos presents Books & Things and Some Mother Culture
Denise presents The (Mathematical) Trouble with Pizza
Jenny presents Books & Things and Some Mother Culture.
Kathy Livingston presents Choosing Extra-Curricular Activities.
Tricia Hodges presents Lily Pad: A Pastels Tutorial.
Jeanne presents Folksongs in the nursery.
Serena presents Circle Time.
Sarah presents Setting Up Shop.
Chris McGinn presents Mondays with Miss Mason?Starting with ?A?.
At Fisher Academy Int'l, we haven't yet started school officially as we are just now really finishing up last year after our summer travels. We will be diving right into next year however, just as soon as we get to Peru (we school year round).
What are your plans? How many of you have started already? Will you start next week? Or later?
Everyone always asks, "How do you plan and organize a CM education?". So let's have a look...
The theme of the next issue of the carnival is:
Organization / Planning on 9/13/11
Suggested Reading:
PR Articles:
Concentration of Purpose in Education
Mental Equilibrium
PS. Do you have a guess for *the one word I was thinking* when I put together the pictures for this post? Leave a comment... and the first one to guess can choose a free book from my giveaway box. :)