what we love the MOST. that's what this carnival is about. pretty much everybody stopping by here today loves charlotte mason. no question. there are just so many things about her, and her way of education as life, to love.
let me count the ways...
or well, maybe i'll just let you count them as you read through the following posts.

{would y'all do me a big favor? for those of you who have an extra second, will you please take a moment to express your thanks to the authors of the following blog posts by leaving a comment on their blogs? i hear often how this carnival is an encouragement to SO many! but it wouldn't be much of a party without the posts, so let's make sure to share the love with the CM bloggers who make it all happen :) and while i have you here, let me just mention that if you read an encouraging CM related post elsewhere on the web, please don't be afraid to suggest to the author to submit it to the carnival! or submit it yourself as a recommended post! it takes a community to raise a carnival!}
What I love About a CM Education, by Nebby
A Day in the Life of a Charlotte Mason Inspired Homeschool, by Angie in GA
Nancy Kelly presents, Qualified for Life - A Consequence of a Mason Education
5 reasons I love CM, by Blossom
Barb, with another 5 reasons of her own...
Why we School the Charlotte Mason Way, by Kay Pelham
History from Home, by Catherine
Jimmie presents, Three CM Curriculum Choices that are Perfect on an iPad
Penny, with a post about how good habit training affects your homeschool: Habit Training is Crucial.
Handicraft for Boys, by Carol
Cindy presents an Artist Study on Grandma Moses.
Read Books – When all else fails, by Nadene ~ who writes from a recent epiphany!
Preparing Your Little Ones for a Charlotte Mason Education, by Laura
Year 2: Week 3, by Laura in KY/laurke
Mama Squirrel presents, Homeschool things to do for Tuesday: figure out what we're doing, finally?
It's that time of year again... for homeschool planning!, by amy in peru,
An oldie but goodie, and one of my favorites... Fall Planning, by Nancy Kelly
Our summer outdoor recap post, by Barb
Finding Joy in Creation, by Angie in GA
CM on French, by amy in peru
other favorite CM links of late:
have you heard the latest? there's a brand spankin' new forum hosted by none other than the beloved AmblesideOnline! it's true! head on over and join the fun!
Cindy Rollins' final thoughts on towards a philosophy of education. read all the thoughts while you're at it if you have a week. :)
nature sketchers (an international group of artists learning from the best teacher there is, nature!)
next up on the carnival roster...
9/18 - Principle #13 (CM in the city)
In devising a SYLLABUS for a normal child, 3 points - (a) He requires much knowledge, (b) varied, and (c) communicated in well chosen language.Summary of all the principles here.
Submit all CM-related posts to: charlottemasonblogs (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks, Amy, for putting it all together for us. Finally able to comment! I'm working my way through ;) Determined not to miss a one this time (I usually get distracted by the blogs that the posts are on). Here's Nancy's post "Qualified for Life..." http://sageparnassus.blogspot.com/2012/08/qualified-for-life-consequence-of-mason.html
The link in this post doesn't work.
Looks like another wonderful carnival! Thanks for putting it together. I can't wait to read through the entries : D
Amy, I appreciate the work it takes to keep the carnival going, as well! I am sure between your missions activities,homeschooling a houseful without the conveniences that the rest of us take for granted and just the time differences, it can be a challenging endeavor! Your energy is inspiring! :-)
Blessings to you and yours,
"It takes a community..." lol. I appreciate all your hard work, Amy dear. Miss you. And linking.
From joy to joy,
Thanks for putting the carnival together this time Amy. I appreciate your effort to keep this carnival going.
Off to comment....
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