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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

CM Blog Carnival Invitation for February (& Ideas for discussion)

Attn: Charlotte Mason bloggers! You're invited! 

Please consider joining us by submitting a post, or just reading along! Submissions are due by 2/10 and 2/24 anytime before 5pm EST. Send the URL of your post in an e-mail to: charlottemasonblogs (at) gmail (dot) com.

As always, we welcome all Charlotte Mason inspired blog posts! Bloggers vary widely in their gifts and experiences, which means, we can all learn from each other. We hope you'll share with us!

Below, you will find an optional topic, a thought provoking quote (or two) and several ideas for those who need a little writing prompt or who would like some direction for further study. :)

I look forward to reading and sharing!

Feel free to snag the CMBC button for your post!
{Link it back here, if you'd like to inform or encourage your readers to share!}

The optional topic for discussion during the month of February is:
Some Unconsidered Aspects of Intellectual Training - Chapter 11

The intellectual life, like every manner of spiritual life, has but one food whereby it lives and grows––the sustenance of living ideas.” 

Key Points to delve into further.
  • Limits of Human Reasoning
  • Great ideas → best basis of Educational Philosophy
  • Intellectual Habits → Come of training, are not in-born. Therefore the development thereof rests primarily w/ parents.

Some Intellectual Habits:
(see chapter for further explanation)
Intellectual Volition.
(Quotes taken from Charlotte Mason's School Education, Volume 3)

*Please see the CM Blog Carnival Schedule page for a list of dates and topics for the whole year (in progress). 

subscribing to the Carnival Announcement/Reminder list you can stay up-to-date and never miss another carnival. Plus, you'll receive handy-dandy monthly ideas & links pertaining to the topic... for free! ;) oh wait, it's all free! heheh.

***Also, please encourage your bloggy AND non-bloggy friends, who love Charlotte Mason and/or those just getting interested, to visit the CMBCarnival, the more the merrier!! :)
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