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Saturday, February 7, 2015

Artist Study: Fra Angelico

Just a bunch of links y'all.

I have NO time for a thoughtful post. I'm just quick stashing these in case they need to be found later.
Of course, if it ends up like other stashes, I won't remember that I stashed them at all and forget to even look here...


I used these links this last week in our intro to Fra Angelico studies. Yes, we're still in Term 1 and just starting artist study. Never mind that technically, the first term was supposed to be done before Christmas break...

F.l.e.x.i.b.i.l.i.t.y is the name of the game around here.

Fra Angelico - Massacre of the Innocents - WGA00610
Massacre of the Innocents, Fra Angelico

It had been a few minutes after passing out the prints so they could get an overall sense of the artist's style of work, when my seven year old spoke up about her painting. She said in a completely nonchalant way, "Mom, mine looks like it's about bunch of people trying to kill babies. Could I have a different one?"

It was funny.
You know, funny in a not funny way. Kinda.


Helpful Links:

for mom.

for kids.

about a fresco.

a story.

This one might be my favorite:

Transfiguration of Christ, Fra Angelico

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival :: February 2015 :: CMBC

Welcome, Friends!

Thank you for joining us at the February 2015 edition CM Blog Carnival! In the last edition, during the month of January, you all shared 30 posts! Fun! Everyone's participation is much appreciated! Now, wouldn't it be a kick to see if we could gather up as many or more gems this time around? The more shared, the more there is to read. The more there is to read, the more to think, communicate and learn about. And that's what we're doing this for!

Readers may want to check back again near the end of the month for the latest additions. Also, bloggers, please feel free to link up any additional posts to the linky below, or if you would like yours to be considered as a feature in the next carnival, you may also submit it by e-mail anytime between now and the end of the month.

Whoever you are, blogger or reader, will you consider sharing some bloggy love this month by posting lots, reading lots and/or commenting lots this month?! Well, I know you're busy. So, how 'bout just a little?! ;)

Way back last month, in the reminder e-mail for January's carnival , I tossed the idea out for Nature Study in Winter as one of the optional writing prompts. I know that for many of you who live in northerly climates it's REALLY hard to get outside during the cold months. It may have been my secret scheme to get you out there...

Of course, it's easy for me to say. Look what our winter looks like... :)

Now keep in mind, posts do not have to be on the writing prompt in order to be featured. That happens kind of arbitrarily, I admit. However, it just so happens to have turned out that way this time... and I think you'll be glad.

February Feature:
Nicole at A Sabbath Mood Homeschool has submitted a post that I think, really, REALLY will be an encouragement to you all in your naturally frosty educational endeavors. Her theory is that, yeah, it's tough to get out there. After all, it is COLD! But she found some ideas of Charlotte Mason with which to motivate us, ourselves as well as our students. Here's a quote from her post:
"In Home Education Mason says "The real use of naturalists' books at this stage is to give the child delightful glimpses into the world of wonders he lives in, to reveal the sorts of things to be seen by curious eyes, and fill him with desire to make discoveries for himself.” (Home Education, pg 64)

Maybe what we need, in order to improve our motivation toward winter nature study, is to read some of what was written by the great naturalists who have gone [into the snow and cold elements] before us.""
Does that pique your interest? Do you think she means simply using books INSTEAD of going outside in winter? I guess you won't really know unless you check it out. I'm pretty sure you WILL be encouaraged.

Speaking of Nature Study in winter, several bloggers this time around submitted posts on the subject, and shared below are some of their slightly more appropriately wintry photos. :) Wanna do a scavenger hunt? See if you can find where these are posted...?

There are SO many great posts this month on such a wonderful variety of subjects. Scroll on down to the linky below to check them out. I think you'll find enough to last at least a couple of sittings.


Until next time...

More opportunities to hang out together throughout the month:
(Feel free to link your blog post to more than one link up where applicable!)

Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival linky!! We would love to visit and learn from you. :) ALL Charlotte Mason educational posts are welcome!!

Keeping Company a linkup dedicated to commonplace books, nature journals, book of centuries, etc.

Nature Study Mondays :: LINKup is a place to share your monthly nature study posts.

Do you host a CM related blog link up? 
Please e-mail information to:
charlottemasonblogs (at) gmail (dot) com


Check out all the posts for the month here:

As you may remember, we've recently made some changes to the CMBC* in order to make it easier for everybody to enjoy and participate. They are outlined below:

  • 1 CMBC post / month.
  • CMBC will host a linky that will remain active throughout the month (so you can add more posts!).
  • CMBC will be announced via e-mailfacebook page, twitter handle & g+ page 
  • CMBC will have a permanent home and only go visiting for special occasions (as decided by the poll results)
  • All posts submitted to the CMBC by e-mail before the deadline will be linked to AND one or two will be featured every edition (with a photo & intro), selections will be made at the hostess/editor's discretion. (Every post will be linked (in the linky), but not every post will be featured with a blurb. This will save the hostess a LOT of time!)

*See the Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival Schedule Page for more information.
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