Happy Spring to you all!
How was your Easter holiday? Surely you've been tiptoeing through tulips and dancing in the daffodils? Well, by all means, Enjoy Every Minute! Lucky for us we are up and ready again for another edition of the CMBC. If you are like me, you're looking forward to a bunch more CM awesomeness in April!
In the last edition of the Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival we had some really great posts from some really wonderful CM educators, 47 posts to be precise! Readers, if you haven't had a chance yet, you may still want to take a peek over there. Bloggers, hopefully you've been saving up all your posts from March and will have lots of posts to share with us this month!
The way a blog carnival works is: throughout the month as they blog, CM bloggers add the URL of their posts to the linky below so that the rest of us can easily find them, pop over to their blogs and enjoy learning something or just hanging out with them!
It’s like Charlotte Mason Blog Central. Or that’s the idea anyway. :)
ALL Charlotte Mason educational posts are welcome!!
Readers may want to check back again towards the end of the month for the latest additions. Bloggers, please feel free to link up as many additional posts as you’d like between now and the end of the month.
Please pass along the link to all of your CM friends, the more the merrier!
NOTE: We normally don't accept advertisements as part of the CMBC. I am making a one-time exception completely in my own personal interest! ;) I'd like to give a shameless plug for the AmblesideOnline conference in May! There are only a few spots left! (Check that link for info on talks and breakouts sessions)! I will be flying all the way from Peru to hang out with my AO lovelies in Texas and would love to see some of you there! If you do decide to go and first heard about it here, will you let me know? There might just could be a surprise in store for you! :) There are many refreshing Charlotte Mason inspired retreats and conferences nowadays but this may be the only one I can attend this year and will certainly be the last AO event of consequence for a while.
So, if you can, please come!
Mugs, bookbags and other cool stuff like this will be available there... ;)