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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Hymn Study: 2017/18

Fisher Academy loves Hymn Study!

We tend to use AmblesideOnline's 2017/18 hymn selections most years simply because it's so handy to have them thoughtfully picked out for us. We ♡ AmblesideOnline!

Today, we're playing the playlist I created for the 2017/18 school year with the option set to shuffle.* We really like listening to our hymns as background music. While there are other viable options on YouTube, some recordings out there don't lend themselves very well to that!

Sometimes we use the videos to learn a new hymn or one we don't know very well. In that case, we play the video on my laptop during Jovi'oval Time and sing along reading from the screen or from Our Family Hymnbooks. You might like to do something similar. The hymns embedded below should work pretty well.


*{There are several versions of each hymn, if you listen to the playlist as-is you will hear each hymn 2-5 times in a row. Even if each one is different that's a little too repetitive for me. Setting it to shuffle allows the songs to play out of order. I use bluetooth from my iPhone to my Bose SoundLink mini speaker (it's small enough that I literally travel everywhere with it). It's my favorite way to play the songs at lunchtime or all throughout the day. }


The hymns in the playlist have been chosen with the following criteria:
1) presentation - must be well sung;
2) listenability - must have a high quality sound recording and be bearable as background music;
3) singability - sing-a-long-able-ness is nice;
4) lyrics on screen - a plus but not a requirement for this list


The hymns included below meet the standards above but have lyrics on screen (link provided when not):

September: Marching To Zion

October: My Jesus I Love Thee

November: O Love That Will Not Let Me Go

December: Star in the East

January: Thus Far The Lord Has Led Me On

February: Blest Be the Tie That Binds (lyrics here)

March: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

April: On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand

May: Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee

June: It Is Well With My Soul

July: Great is Thy Faithfulness (lyrics here)

August: My Faith Looks Up To Thee


Helpful Links:
More AmblesideOnline Hymn playlists
Center for Church Music: Songs and Hymns


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