Yay! It's almost time for the CM carnival again! You'll remember last time we met at Barb's on Nature Study among other things, and we'll be heading west this time with Cindy thinking again about how Education is an Atmosphere. The carnival always has something to encourage me every time! There is something special about seeing things from someone else's point of view.
Here's the part where I explain why we need your help!! :)
Cindy hasn't received ANY submissions yet!! That is partly because the blogcarnival.com site has been malfunctioning for months (a year?), partly because in the last weeks I personally have had SO much going on that I completely spaced on sending out the reminder e-mail (or blog posts for that matter!), and partly because I know that the rest of you homeschoolers are probably just plain busy too!! ;)
So... if you have already submitted a post to the carnival, or if you have a post that you would be willing to share, please:
(Re)Submit it by sending your name and a link by e-mail to: charlottemasonblogs (at) gmail (d0t) com.
The normal submission form on blogcarnival.com does not always work and we have no way to find out who tried or not. If you did not receive a confirmation e-mail, it is likely we have no record of your submission. Urgh. So, please do try again, but probably the best bet for now is to send a link to the e-mail above.
The theme for the carnival which will be posted this Tuesday is: Education is an Atmosphere!
As always ALL CM related posts are welcome and WANTED! The theme is only for if you don't have your own ideas of what you want to post about!! Don't let the theme stump you, be creative! Everyone has something to share!! :)
All posts submitted before 5pm (PST) will be included in the upcoming carnival, posts submitted after that time will be included in the next carnival. :)
Amy, I used to post articles to the carnival all the time, but the themes have sort of stopped me cold. I rarely feel able to write a post especially on the particular topic at the right time.
I know you can submit on any topic, but it always seems that these extra articles sort of mess up your plans a bit.
Maybe people don't have much to say abour poetry?
Just my two bob's worth.
I sent in a blog via the email address. I've had trouble not having posts show up in the past (well, just one post, I think). Thanks for working on it! I know this takes time for you and it is appreciated.
Oh, I'm confused now. Is it atmosphere or poetry? I submitted for atmosphere, hope that's okay. I agree with Jeanne, hard to think up posts on topic always. Maybe we could submit older posts we already did relating to the topic?
I know there are others who feel the same way as you do. I'm sad about it. And I wouldn't be terribly surprised if that could be part of the issue. I wish people would submit whatever posts they have because it doesn't mess it up AT ALL!! Most of the time I don't post on the theme either, except when I'm hosting. I hope you overcome and submit any and all posts you write once again! I love your posts. :)
yes. re-post old posts! I'm doing that this time around. :) I figure as long as I don't resubmit the same post to EVERY carnival, if it was good (or I think so ;), it bears reminding! the carnival is a great place to do that! But no post is off-topic! So, ANY posts are ALWAYS welcome!!
Thanks ladies, for your input!!
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