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Monday, January 19, 2015

Nature Study Monday :: January :: NSM {LinkUP!}

hello, fellow nature study enthusiasts!

this month of getting back into the scheme of things has not included a regular getting back out into nature and things. sadly.

we're still traveling. currently, we're on the coast of Peru, but haven't made it to the beach. yet.
hopefully tomorrow. and if we get out, i promise to share pictures.
'til then, have a peek at some Very Interesting Nature reads?

and do share your nature studies with us in the linky below?
we're feeling somewhat nature deprived as all we've really seen lately has been on the go. go. go.

Have you gotten outside much for nature study this winter?
How 'bout a look at the sky?

Nature Study = A human right?

A Nature Walk in: methow valley, wa

My friend Jeanne and her Book of Firsts.

On Using Photography in Nature Study

Top 20 New Species Discovered in 2014!
Be sure to check out one found ONLY IN PERU!
Oh, and the Very Long Insect. Second longest in the world to be exact.

Set some goals for Nature Study this year?
Read Barb's Nature Study Goals for 2015

Snag a button if you wanna! :)
Come back and share your nature studies with us this month!

The {Nature Study Monday} link up is for ANY nature study-ish blog post written at any time during the current month. Which means, when you submit your link, it will show up in every. single. {NSM} post. during the whole month! Oh, and be not confused, feel free to link up on any day, be it Monday or not! 

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