But, my kids feel proud to see their stuff up here on my blog, even if it IS wednesday... and I thought, here's a chance to remind you all about getting your sketches ready because this time you have 2 weeks to get your sketches ready! Barb will be taking the week off, but you can send your sketches in any time so start thinking about it now!! :)
Here's ours from last week:

Go here for more information on next week's theme: Sketch Tuesday: Gone Wild-Everglades
Wow, I am continually impressed by your children's art work. If I were you, I would want to frame them all and hang them everywhere! Beautiful!
I do still want to do this!
Tell your kiddos they did a great job!! ;)
it is so good to see your art work.. I just miss not having them on my fridge.
thinking of homsechooling for next year, you are my hero!
Hey Amy
thanks for all your lovely comments over at my blog; I finally got a chance to stop by and visit you... So impressed with your lovely kids artwork and loving the idea too.
If any of your kids like taking photos, we have a kids photo competition running every fortnight (see in my sidebar for KidsClick); they might have fun joining in :)
So lovely to hear from you
luv from
Looks like SO much fun!!
Come on over for some mom inspiration and encouragement.
They are amazing!
Amy, the artwork is so precious and wonderful. I love it. Continue encouraging this creativity.
I have something for you that you might enjoy. She's a homeschooler too, and she started sketching at a young age. Take a look at her sketches - they are beautiful.
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