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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2 or 3 noteworthy items...

educating ourselves while educating our children

Okay, so it's not because of a lack of interest that I've NEVER yet mentioned anything about this other blog I contribute for... let's just say I've been busy.  Shoot! I'm always busy... I'm still busy!  Matter of fact, have I mentioned that I'm moving?! Tomorrow!?

Yep. Tomorrow is the big day.

The house is empty except for the washing machine, fridge, stove and mattresses which we'll load up tomorrow morning... and then we. are. outta. here! oh my. and why on earth am I writing a blog post?! um, yeah... I'm a little bit insane, um, how shall we say... ahem, silly?  ;)

But of course, I had to remind you all of two VERY important things! 
...of course.

educating ourselves while educating our children

#1... now, as I alluded to before (and if you get your magnifying glass out you might be able to read the blog button directly above, but then again maybe you mayn't, so if you have issues with your eyesight you're welcome to scroll back up to the top of the post ;), there's this really cool blog called Educating Mother of which I'm proud to be a part! Have you been there?  Well, it's really not to be missed and you really ought to visit.  We'd be so glad to have you.  So, please do stop by and let us know you came...

#2... but not less important, the very first Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival of 2011 is coming up this coming Tuesday and I have a feeling it's going to be a whopper since we've had a break over the holidays. So, if you have not submitted your post for that, do it NOW. I'll even make it really easy for you, you can do your stuff right here.  The next edition will be at Jamie's and we're all excited about that, right?  :)

#3...Now, in case you're wondering, or even if you're not, I'll share with you our plans... 
either way, here you are:

Tonight as soon as I'm done here, Micah will probably be back from dropping off a bookshelf at its new home for the next 8 months. I will be finishing up last touches around here (namely, finishing sewing buttons on pants, repairing seams, and putting on patches - there must be a word for all that... I cannot for the life of me think straight enough right now to come up with it, and my thesaurus is packed ;) I'll be doing that 'til the wee hours when I fall like a dead woman onto my mattress. Tomorrow, we'll leave Tarapoto (the jungle) and drive 9 hours to Chachapoyas (featuring really cool little known ruins that we've not yet seen, on the way to Trujillo). We'll be there for 3 days and have a little fun and a lotta learning, or vice versa. ;)  From there, on Saturday, we'll drive another 12 hours to Trujillo (on the coast of Peru), where we'll attempt to cram our seven selves into a snug little apartment for the next two months. You may be able to sense my excitement about that. 
But, thrilled or not, you will hear from me once we get there... :)
SO. I really should go. now.

Happy evening to all, and to all a good-night
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