The polls have spoken. It's obvious that as a whole, the majority of us who took the time to vote, love Charlotte Mason!! Was there ever any doubt? ;) Of course not! The living books and nature study top the list as being very important to us as well art & music and the value of habit training. The things we love most in theory are the very same areas we need to work on in practice; following through with nature study and habit training! Also, figuring out how to teach multiple children at varying levels... but what mother doesn't struggle with that, is what I want to know! ;)
With these facts in mind, I've organized a posting schedule from the list of topics. There was an attempt made to intersperse theory with practice and we are all hoping that we'll get a variety of posts in answer to the various topics, yes?
*(remember that you can still post whatever's on your heart and then choose whether to wait until that carnival comes up, or we can always list it in the current carnival under the miscellaneous)
So, without further ado, the calendar with topics can be viewed HERE ... and you can always check back to the main Charlotte Mason blog carnival info page HERE as well.
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Welcome to the February 22, 2011 edition of the charlotte mason blog carnival!
Our favorite things (volume 1) : Books & Nature Study
Michelle Smith presents A Life Better Than I Deserve - Reading Aloud . . . the Lesson Reflective
Amber presents Book Review: The Wheel on the School (And a Read Aloud Tip)
Annette Berlin presents How To Bind A Book, "Writing a story or keeping a journal in your own handmade book is strong motivator for children. Take a look at our 115 bookbinding tutorials and choose the one that best fits your student."
Barb presents Our Winter Tree Study: Nothing Short of a Miracle, saying, "Our winter tree study...helps us become "intimate with trees"."
Shirley Ann Vels presents A Bit of History - Charlotte Mason Style
Jimmie presents More Bird Resources for Backyard Bird Count, "Printables for bird study"
Amy @ simply necessary presents Field Guides as Living Books, saying, "Can a field guide be considered a living book? Come read and find out! What do you think?"
Amanda presents Homegrown and Beeyoutiful: The Joy of Nature Study
Nadene presents What kind of disciples does the mission demand?, "What does the Lord want me to grow in my children - in character, habits and attitude - that will equip them for His service?"
Nancy presents Sphere of Influence She talks about the far spreading influence of CM
Barb presents Building Good Habits in High School - Charlotte Mason Style, CM with older students is something MANY of us are interested in learning more about!
Jay3fer presents Charlotte Mason vs Classical, saying, "This is a long post - so she's made it a 7-page downloadable PDF, discussing CM vs Classical Education in various areas of curriculum."
Robin Phillips presents Home School Writing Kids: Three Techniques For Writing Fiction
Richele presents Math with Charlotte Mason
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So, that concludes our carnival until next time...
Submit your blog article to the next edition!
The next carnival's theme is: Education is an Atmosphere
Suggested (optional) reading:
- CM series vol.6 pg 94-99
- PR article, The Atmosphere of Home by M. F. Jerrold
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Oh wait, am I forgetting something?! Oh yes, we did have a drawing didn't we...
so, I suppose that means we also ought to have a winner!
Congratulations, Eve from Inchworm Chronicles! Eve is relatively new to the carnival and in her honor we'll be starting the themed carnivals off with her favorite part, 'Education is an atmosphere!"
Thank you, Eve!
Thank you all for your comments and your participation. The carnival is a cooperative effort, so thank you for what each one of you adds to the online Charlotte Mason community! I'm looking forward to getting to know many more of you!!
I'm looking forward to the new approach. I think it will help me to have a topic in mind and thereby follow through with a related post. Thank you so much! I've added the themes to my own calendar! :)
Wow, Amy, I know that was a lot of work so thank you x 1000. The results of the poll are truly interesting and I'm looking forward to the suggested readings...right after I get through this great looking carnival!
Thanks again for including me.
I love having the themes planned ahead. :)
Thank you so much for all your effort in keeping the CM Carnival not only going but to keep it progressing in richness.
Your efforts are noticed. :)
Ah... I am much relieved to know I can post "off topic" to the carnival. I'm such a rebel like that. ;-)
And did you COLOR CODE your books? Yeesh! That's pretty. But how do you FIND things?
such fun! I'm so happy to know about this now and be a part of it! I'm looking forward to reading through each of these post's this week.
Thanks for all your hard work putting this together.
I came back to ask the same as Jimmie - are those your beautiful shelves arranged by color?
Yes, thank you, Amy, for all this. Especially thank you for the links to the suggested reading. I am waiting for my car to get worked on and I'm in need of something to read to pass the time. Too bad I left my Kindle elsewhere...
Am really enjoying reading Richele's post about math...not a favored (far from favorite) subject here.
I want to echo the thanks! I'll have to check out the suggested reading.
What beautiful photos! And we simply must know about the color-coded bookshelves!
I'm excited to read through all the entries for this carnival and VERY excited for the next one too :-)
I'm really excited about the new approach! Education is an Atmosphere is one of my favourite topics! Looking forward to everyones insights.
Oh I'm so glad you all are enjoying the carnival and are looking forward to the themes, I am too!!
YES. I did color code my bookshelves. :) It majorly beautifies a small space! What was a rag tag wall of books, now brings constant delight! As for finding things, our school books have their own bookshelf nearby, my husband's books have their own bookshelf in another room, and the books I'm reading are next to my bed, so it's the less read books that compose the colorful arrangement in the living room. :)
Thank you all for your kind and encouraging words! The carnival is really what we all make it! ;) I'm loving being on this journey with you all!
Marvelous, dear. Just marvelous.
Whew, I just made it through the carnival. Great posts. Now it's time to get reading those suggested pages.
I am really liking your colorful book arrangement. I'll bet it is fascinating to see which books all fit under one color scheme. Every so often the publisher I work with will re-release a book with a new cover design or color and we will see an increase in sales.
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