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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival: Planning/Organization {vol1}

As a new school year begins, we're trying to get all our ducks in a row!

Welcome to the Organization/Planning edition of the Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival!

Let's see how it's done!
If you have any planning/organization tips that you LOVE, will you please leave a comment?! Without further ado... here are the submissions for this carnival!

Nancy presents Avoid the Grooves - Shift That Paradigm.
Barb presents Charlotte Mason Keeps Me On Track.
Amanda presents Nature Study Using Calendars Ideas.

One key thing for keeping my brain is keeping a notebook!

Shirley Ann presents New Planner.
Sonya presents Do Not Sit Up Late: Three Practical Do Not’s, Part 1.
Mama Squirrel presents First few days of school...musings.Lanaya presents When the Schedule Goes Out the Window.

In my notebook I have calendar pages for an overview, monthly as well as weekly pages.

Lizzie presents School Starts Tomorrow posted at A Dusty Frame.
Sarah presents Setting Up Shop & This Years Curriculum: Phonics Rule Book.
amy in peru presents Planning around life.

Traveling as much as we do, requires a great deal of organization and planning!! :)

Posts on miscellaneous topics related to an education based on Charlotte Mason's principles.

Jay3fer presents Very interesting… thoughts on Stuart Little.
Barb presents Living Books For High School Science .
Naomi presents Hidden Even to Ourselves.
Nadene presents A Collage of "The Cradle"

Always take time to smell the roses... (preferably not skyrockets aka: skunk flowers!

Jeanne presents Folksongs in the nursery.
Chris presents Mondays with Miss Mason-Starting with "A". & Mondays with Miss Mason?C for Character.
Tricia presents Lily Pad: A Pastels Tutorial.

...or look at the micro-wonders of the world!)

Theme for the next carnival on 9/27:
The Study of History

Suggested Reading:
* CM Series: vol. 6, p169-179 and vol.1 p279-294

Click here to see a schedule of upcoming themes and topics for future carnivals.

Submit your blog article to the next edition of
the charlotte mason blog carnival using our carnival submission form.
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