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Sunday, February 26, 2012


Dear Friends,

I'm so thankful to have all of you. :) I want to express my deeply felt thanks to those who have been praying for me. I feel all wrapped up in the love of Jesus via your thoughtful words of kindness and tender prayers.

As I don't usually write so personally on this particular blog... I do feel personally about homeschooling too... this is just how I organize my brain :) I'll share any further thoughts as we go through the healing process at A Pilgrim's Project, my personal blog, (personal, as in all things directly relating to my person besides homeschool :). You are all more than welcome to join me there :). Thank you for understanding. Micah was so concerned (and wonderful, btw. I am SO thankful), and knowing there are praying people who read this blog, he posted his note here as well while I was still pretty much out of it. I am so so thankful for your prayers and even more so to the God who hears them. He is ever and always so very good to me.

These two songs have the most healing for this momma heart today. :)

Scary hours

Dear praying friends,

Amy wrote that last e-mail/blog-post here in Trujillo from our apartment while in labor.  Shortly after sending that letter a tiny, fully formed, lifeless little boy was born.  We thought that the difficulties were over but in reality they were just beginning.  Amy bled all night, got weaker and weaker, fainted a few times and then went into convulsions. 

I woke up the neighbor and we hauled Amy down four flights of stairs to the car and then on to the maternal clinic.  When we arrived her pulse was way down and they thought she might need a blood transfusion.  The big problem was that the placenta had not been expelled which was causing her to lose more and more blood.  She went into the surgery room and about twenty minutes later the doctor came out saying that we had made it just in time. 

In the end she didn't need a blood transfusion and now her hemoglobin count is back up.  Presently Amy is fast asleep at the clinic and gaining her strength back.  Please pray for a fast recovery and for no further complications.  We thank the Lord that this did not happen in the jungle where things would have been more difficult and for God's protection during these last few scary hours.

-Micah for the Tuttle's

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Expansion project deferred...

dear baby, over the next few weeks we will try to remember how to live without you, but we will never forget you. with ever so much love, your momma

Saturday, February 18, 2012

uh, oops... correction!

The theme for the upcoming carnival this Tuesday is: 
Education is an Atmosphere
In two weeks the theme will be Poetry. ::blush::

As always ALL CM related posts are welcome and WANTED! The theme is there mainly for those occasions that you don't have your own ideas of what you want to post about!! We love having a variety of topics! Don't let the theme stump you, be creative! Everyone has something to share!! :)

Upcoming CM Carnival news...

Please visit and share with us at the CM blog carnival! We'd love to have you!

Yay! It's almost time for the CM carnival again! You'll remember last time we met at Barb's on Nature Study among other things, and we'll be heading west this time with Cindy thinking again about how Education is an Atmosphere. The carnival always has something to encourage me every time! There is something special about seeing things from someone else's point of view.

Here's the part where I explain why we need your help!! :)

Cindy hasn't received ANY submissions yet!! That is partly because the site has been malfunctioning for months (a year?), partly because in the last weeks I personally have had SO much going on that I completely spaced on sending out the reminder e-mail (or blog posts for that matter!), and partly because I know that the rest of you homeschoolers are probably just plain busy too!! ;)

So... if you have already submitted a post to the carnival, or if you have a post that you would be willing to share, please:

(Re)Submit it by sending your name and a link by e-mail to: charlottemasonblogs (at) gmail (d0t) com.

The normal submission form on does not always work and we have no way to find out who tried or not. If you did not receive a confirmation e-mail, it is likely we have no record of your submission. Urgh. So, please do try again, but probably the best bet for now is to send a link to the e-mail above.

The theme for the carnival which will be posted this Tuesday is: Education is an Atmosphere!
As always ALL CM related posts are welcome and WANTED! The theme is only for if you don't have your own ideas of what you want to post about!! Don't let the theme stump you, be creative! Everyone has something to share!! :)

All posts submitted before 5pm (PST) will be included in the upcoming carnival, posts submitted after that time will be included in the next carnival. :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's official!

We're expanding...

Monday, February 6, 2012

Blog Button for CM Blog Carnival, 2012

Please visit and share with us at the CM blog carnival! We'd love to have you!

We now have a fresh new face for the CM carnival in 2012! Yay!
A special thanks to everyone who voted!

This colorful eclectic collage button received 22 of 70 votes and was created by our very good friend Jimmie from Jimmie's Collage -
We're so thankful for her contribution!!

Please visit and share with us at the CM blog carnival! We'd love to have you!

If you'd like to post this button on your blog or website, please do! We're always happy for more bloggers and readers who are interested in Charlotte's philosophy and practice to participate in the Carnival! The more the merrier! ;) Just copy and past the above html portion to do that (if you want it bigger or smaller adjust the width after pasting to your blog. :)

Helpful links:
CM Blog Carnival FAQs
Submit a post to the upcoming CM Blog Carnival
A list of past carnival posts can be found here.
2012 scheduled carnival themes

As for the winner of the $25 gift certificate redeemable at

drumroll, please...'s randomly sought after random sequence generator chose #11. And the eleventh commenter on the voting post was Nadene from Practical Pages! Congratulations! Thank you all for participating, I hope you all enjoy the colorful face of the CM Blog Carnival for 2012 :)

*This giveaway was sponsored by who has just last month launched a new CM Discussion Group and would love for you to join them (it's online and it's free, take a look here).
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