Dear Friends,
I'm so thankful to have all of you. :) I want to express my deeply felt thanks to those who have been praying for me. I feel all wrapped up in the love of Jesus via your thoughtful words of kindness and tender prayers.
As I don't usually write so personally on this particular blog... I do feel personally about homeschooling too... this is just how I organize my brain :) I'll share any further thoughts as we go through the healing process at A Pilgrim's Project, my personal blog, (personal, as in all things directly relating to my person besides homeschool :). You are all more than welcome to join me there :). Thank you for understanding. Micah was so concerned (and wonderful, btw. I am SO thankful), and knowing there are praying people who read this blog, he posted his note here as well while I was still pretty much out of it. I am so so thankful for your prayers and even more so to the God who hears them. He is ever and always so very good to me.
These two songs have the most healing for this momma heart today. :)
In my Picture File...
Kandinsky, "Winter Landscape" 1909 It's
Epiphany. What are you seeing in a new light? [...]