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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Breaking News: You are NOT going to believe this...

This may be the real reason I've been rather absent online. I've been kinda more than usually occupied offline... :)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Hymn Study: Our Family Hymnbook

photo courtesy of  anissat

Today, I'm working on our Family Hymnbook. I've actually been very casually working on it for several years, but officially for the last --- days, well, since February according to my pop-up reminder app. :( Obviously, I've been procrastinating a little. However, I have decided that I am quite done with that pesky pop up feeling of guilt every time that little reminder unexpectedly comes on the screen. I have determined to finish our hymnals this week, printed and all. I'm actually getting really excited. I know it will really help streamline our hymn-singing each morning.

Cindy Rollins in her recent series on Morning Time, had a post that highlighted hymns, as well as consistent reminders sprinkled throughout the series about their family hymnal, and I suddenly became thoroughly frustrated with myself for my major Family Hymnbook failure! We enjoy singing hymns, but sometimes we get kinda stuck in a rut with the oldie-but-goodies, if I haven't yet scrounged up the words and music for the newer hymns.

So, today, I looked up all the hymns we have and don't have music sheets for (links provided, see below), I slapped them all in a pdf file, printed it off and now I'm excited to finally put our Family Hymnbooks to use! All I have left to do is make 5 copies.

You might already have access to a hymnal or two (though I advise you to consolidate your favorites into a more family friendly version... you bet it'll go much smoother!), or could make a more personalized version yourself. I'd encourage you to do that, in fact. But, if you're like me and you could use something in the meantime to keep you from utter hymn chaos on some of those mornings, please feel free to use this one! :) See download link below.

In the post, Hymn Study: What we do, I talk a little more about how we do hymns, but honestly you should not go a day longer without reading Cindy's posts linked above. She is an EXPERT. :)

In our Family Hymnbook:
(Links to printable sheets for individual hymns. Personalize your own hymnbook!)

A Mighty Fortress
Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed
All Creatures of Our God and King
All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
Amazing Grace
America the Beautiful
And Can it Be
Be Still My Soul (We Rest on Thee)
Be Thou My Vision
Blessed Assurance
Bringing In The Sheaves
Christ The Lord is Risen Today
Come Thou Fount
Come Ye Thankful People Come
Count Your Blessings
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Eternal Father Strong to Save (Navy Hymn)
Fairest Lord Jesus
For A Thousand Tongues To Sing
For the Beauty of the Earth
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Hallelujah What a Savior
He Leadeth Me 
He Who Would Valiant Be
Holy, Holy, Holy
How Great Thou Art
I Sing The Mighty Power of God
I surrender All
I'd Rather Have Jesus
Immortal, Invisible
It Is Well With My Soul
Joyful, Joyful
Just As I Am
Leaning on The Everlasting Arms
Low in The Grave He Lay
Man of Sorrows
More Secure Is No One Ever
My Anchor Holds
My Country Tis of Thee
My Hope is Built
My Jesus I Love Thee
Nearer My God to Thee
Now Thank We All Our God
O Come All Ye Faithful
O God Beyond All Praising
O God, Our Help in Ages Past
O Love of God
O Sacred Head Now Wounded
O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
Onward Christian Soldiers
Our God Reigns
Pass Me Not
Praise Him, Praise Him
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Rock of Ages
Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us
Softly and Tenderly
Soldiers of Christ Arise
Take My Life and Let it Be
The Church's One Foundation
The Old Rugged Cross
The Star-Spangled Banner
There's Power in the Blood
Thine Is the Glory
This is My Father's World
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
To God Be The Glory
Trust and Obey
We Rest on Thee (see Be Still My Soul)
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
When I Survey
Wonderful Grace of Jesus

Above All
Be Unto Your Name
Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty
His Name is Wonderful
I will Sing of the Mercies
In Christ Alone
Lamb of God
Lord, I lift Your Name on High
Shine, Jesus, Shine
Shout to the Lord
There is a Redeemer
We Bow Down
We Will Glorify
You Are My All in All

AO hymn rotation for this year:
(those that were/are new to us and not linked above are linked below)

September: Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken (tune is from Haydn's Emperor String Quartet) -
October: There Is a Happy Land
November: Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
December: How Great Thou Art
January: Trust and Obey
February: Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
March: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
April: Lord Of All Hopefulness Lyrics
May: Beneath the Cross of Jesus
June: Fairest Lord Jesus
July: I Love To Tell the Story
August: Awake My Soul and With the Sun

Search for more of your favorite hymns here:
Center for Church Music: Songs and Hymns


Friday, November 15, 2013

Naturally, it's November... {NSM! linkup}

But can you honestly believe it?! November?! As in a month and a half 'til it's a new year?! My life is flying before my eyes. Speaking of flying and flitting, would you believe we landed in moth mecca? It was incredible. I've never seen so many moths in one place, let alone of such variety! Of course, I'll tell you about it! Just let's start at the beginning of the story...

At the end of last month, we took one of our rousing and rollicking road-trips across the entire country of Peru. Jungle, Andes, Pacific coast all in one really long day (though we usually split it into two pretty long days)! Oh, and there were 9 of us this time. My mom joined us almost directly off the plane, and there was Christine, who is cheerfulness in the flesh, plus the regular seven of the Tuttle Tribe. Yep, first it was 13 hours easterly, then 3 hours straight south on the Panamerican Highway and we were once again arrived in the coastal city of Trujillo. We were there for a record short amount of time (5 extremely busy days). Still, it was long enough for my brother recently arrived from the States, to surprise us all by ringing the doorbell of the house we were staying at, early on Siah's birthday! Then it was pack all back in the Jack (the name of our minivan); this time with 10. Boy, was that exciting! :)

We got to do a little more site-seeing this trip due to being blessed with guests, but I'd better leave most of those details to a different story since this one is supposed to get back around to moths (don't worry, we're getting there). After a long drive the first day, we stayed in a hotel, uh, hostal... well, no. It really was just a very rustic house way up in the mountains. I hope the pictures we took will do it justice. On the second night, we stayed at an honest to goodness hostal, which was also up in the mountains, only not so high up. It was slightly more modern, except they were far from honest, cold-heartedly cheating us out of the pledged, pre-paid and earnestly yearned for breakfast the next morning. After all these long days climbing mountains and such, and little sleep, the third night, we merited a stay at the White House (La Casa Blanca), a hotel built practically on the highway, traffic sounds and party-people noise included at no extra charge. It was a grand adventure to say the least.

That last day, we had a long drive ahead of us. We were all exhausted and quite ready to be on the homeward track. About an hour down the road (or up it, would probably be more accurate), we were surprised and super excited (...moths?! not yet... we're almost there, I promise.) We hit the jackpot! A gas station that offered GLP (autogas, LPG or liquified petroleum gas, to be exact)! This was very exciting, as it is the first station on the very long route across the mountains and this type of gas cuts our travel expense drastically. We pulled in, half expecting that the sign would be false and they would not have GLP as is so often the case. But, we not only found what we were looking for, we found what must otherwise be known in the Lepidoptera world as Moth Mecca. It was incredible. We were so tired we thought we were dreaming, but lo and behold, the pictures are on my camera to prove it!

There were thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of moths, everywhere. Not flitting and flapping in a way that might make one nervous. They were all just placidly sitting there sunning their wings. Or something. How would I know what they were thinking of doing? Apparently, in that place practically in the middle of nowhere, they have big lights on after dark, and though it was mid-morning by the time we pulled in, there were still a myriad of moths all over the pavement, building, garbage cans, everywhere. It was awesome.

So, aspiring to be a good nature study mama as I do, I got out of the car, made everyone else get out, and I gazed and I ooh'ed and ahh'ed and I took lots of pictures of moths. We ourselves were the marvel of the Peruvian gas station attendants. They couldn't believe how interested we were in those bugs. They even stopped sweeping up the mass of winged wonders while we were there so that we could get a really good look. :)

Well, after all, I don't know if the story was worth the wait, but I was really excited about it and the pictures. Below are some of them. See if you can see a pattern. Next, maybe you can find the one that is not like the others. Lastly, there is one who rebelliously refused to stay put in line like the clown he is colored after. And if any of you actually look and find these, you are truly worthy of my awe and gratitude for the interest you have taken in this here extremely lengthy blog post.

Super lovely, wouldn't you say?!

The yellow with black spotted ones were all about the same size, with approx. 2 1/2 inches wing-span, which may give context to the others you see them next to. it makes that one VERY pretty moth, my favorite, look very large.


The {Nature Study Monday} link up is for ANY nature study-ish blog post written at any time during the current month. Which means, when you submit your link, it will show up in every. single. {NSM} post. during the whole month! Oh, and be not confused, feel free to link up on any day, be it Monday or not! (scroll down for linky).


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